Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Using WWF style wrestling promos to start fights is something I have been doing for years. That's right, I am saying WWF not WWE. Someone stop me. Anyway, I just watched a documentary called "Knuckle". I tell you what, Brad Pitt's character from "Snatch" is real. Guy Ritchie did not make that shit up.

To be the "King of the Gypsies" is something I have dreamed about since I was a boy. But after watching this, I think I will just sit in my 1 bedroom in Culver City and watch TV. Enjoy. I mean the whole soaking your hands in gasoline so they become like stone so you can make your opponent a "Hospital Case." A term used by one of these hard nailed bastards so lovely. Kudos to filmmaker Ian Palmer, who was able to not get his face smashed in as he followed these son of a bitches around.

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